Roof Repointing: All There Is to Know About This Roof Restoration Process


The roof is one of the most vital parts of your house, acting as the first line of defence against the rains, snow, sun and other outdoor elements. It also serves as the central element when it comes to your home's kerb appeal. Generally, roofs are designed to last. However, even the most resilient of roof materials may give in to the daily abuse from the outdoor elements. That's why regular maintenance is key to the longevity of your roof. Roof repointing is among the most common roof maintenance or restoration processes that you may need, especially if you have a tiled roof. Here is all you need to know about it.

What It Is and Why You Need It

If your roof is made up of tiles, the ridge tiles, sometimes referred to as capping tiles, play a vital role on the roof. They make up the pointing, which is comprised of the tiles laid to join the edges of your roof together. A mortar, made up of various compounds such as sand and cement, is used to seal the ridge or capping tiles (also called ridge capping) around the sides and hold them in place. Over time, the capping tiles can deteriorate and crumble, creating leakage points on your roof. What's more, the weakened ridge capping can leave the adjoining roof tiles susceptible to strong winds, especially if you live in an area that experiences such harsh weather. Repointing is the process that restores the pointing or ridge capping to prevent such occurrences.

Depending on the level of deterioration, a new layer of mortar mix may need to be added, or the entire cement work may need to be replaced.

The main aim of roof repointing is to create a stronger bond between the bedding of your roof and the roofing tiles. Besides preventing leakage points on the roof, it also ensures your roofing tiles remain in place during extreme weather conditions such as strong winds.

Possible Signs That Your Roof Needs Repointing

Leaks are one of the most obvious signs that you need to repoint your roofing tiles. Unfortunately, signs of a leaky roof aren't always apparent, and, in most cases, you'll only notice once the damage is already done. Discoloured rings on your ceiling are the first sign of a leaky roof. Mould growth in areas such as your attic is another sign of leaks to watch out for.

If you have a leaky roof, plan to get a whole-roof inspection. The presence of loose tiles, especially if you haven't experienced strong winds recently, can confirm the need for roof repainting.


27 January 2020

Repairing or Replacing a Roof

Hello, welcome to my roofing blog, my name is John and I live in Alice Springs, Australia. I recently moved out here with my wife and two kids to escape the hustle and bustle of the big city. We bought an old farmhouse and are in the process of renovating it. The place needs quite a bit of work. One of the biggest jobs so far has been sorting out the roof. It was missing a few tiles and I couldn't decide if we should try and repair it or if it would be better to have it repaired. Thankfully, my neighbour is something of an expert. He came and inspected the roof and recommended that we replace it. He explain how roofing works and the benefits of using different materials. I have learnt so much, I decided to start this blog.